Joanna Monahan

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Progress Report #10: Greeting Seasons

I’m not gonna lie; November was a tough month (with the exception of Thanksgiving). In what is beginning to emerge as my creative pattern, I took the month off from writing after three months of dedicated writing days and self-imposed deadlines (I’d originally planned to take October off, but between personal and family commitments and a fun, but extensive, writing challenge, it ended up being my busiest month of 2021).

Feeling creatively empty, I also stepped away from posting on my social platforms, other than a quick check in now and then. I even took a break from reading, instead binge-listening to a series of podcasts (where are my true crime and anti-MLM fans at?) while I took walks, prepped for Thanksgiving, researched flower shop business models, and (yes) napped. 

I also dealt with disappointment when my submitted pitch did not receive any agent requests during a ten-day pitch event, and the job I’ve been furloughed from since March 2020 officially came to an end. Of course I’d mentally prepped myself for those possibilities, but was still discouraged when both came to fruition within days of each other.

I retreated into cleaning (Is there anything more instantly satisfying than organizing a linen closet?) and went further down the podcast rabbit hole. All the while, I tamped down some impostor syndrome-y feelings of guilt and jealousy as I lurked around social media and watched others in my writing community announce book deals and celebrate publication dates.  

Thanksgiving break came as a welcome respite - a house and heart full of family, and the laughter and chaos that togetherness brings. I could feel my energy start to return.

Today, as I was debating on whether to even write a blog entry for December, the idea of ‘Seasons’ came to mind. I recently participated in an online “Soul Gathering Space” with a group of women (mostly, but not exclusively, writers) where we talked openly about the idea of personal and creative seasons. (Side note: Acknowledgement and gratitude to host Dara Levan for this opportunity. Please follow and support her at @daralevanwriter and @everysoulhasastory)

At the time (October), I declared myself in Spring, the season of growth and change. I was writing daily and I was creating and connecting with others in the writing community; I felt challenged and optimistic. 

Now, two months later, I feel aligned with a new season. Winter is a time for reflection, as well as preparation - the necessary rest stop within the cacophony of the other three seasons. Winter is a time for moving inward, a gathering close of people and beliefs and pursuits which nourish you. 

November was tough. Winter is tough. It can be cold and bleak (even in sunny North Carolina), and isolating. But it is also a pocket of time in which magic resides, where surfaces sparkle and seeds burrow to prepare for new growth. And so, amidst disappointment and creative lulls, bolstered by the love and support of my family and friends, I will greet this season warmly and celebrate what it has to teach me. 

I wish you all a most magical, restful, and restorative Winter season. 

Xoxo, y’all!

November Wrap-up/Successes: 

Writing: This month my writing was limited to research notes and to-do lists. A different, but practical, kind of progress.  

Querying: I participated in WFWA’s Agent Pitch, an online pitch showcase to agents. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive any requests for submission, but every experience is still progress. 

Marketing: I updated my website - my “Books” page now includes summaries of WELCOME TO BLOOMS as well as some of my other “living in a drawer” projects. I also added an “Extras” page where you can find my full #TopsyTurvyTVTour story (featuring Daisy and Bud from BLOOMS) as well as the Spotify playlist for SOMETHING BETTER.  Followers: 779 IG / 476 Twitter/ 80 Goodreads

Accountability/Education: Met with my writing coach to finish comments on the first draft of WELCOME TO BLOOMS.  

Books read in November: 5

CULTISH by Amanda Montell
NOT A HAPPY FAMILY by Shari Lapena
DON’T CALL IT A CULT by Sarah Bergman
MARTITA, I REMEMBER YOU by Sandra Cisneros

2021 total: 69/60 

December Goals: 

Writing: Starting round 2 of revisions on WELCOME TO BLOOMS (For real this time!)

Accountability: Meet with my critique partners, reviewing pages 43-52 of BLOOMS. 

Querying: On hold until February 1, 2022

Marketing: Getting back on Instagram, particularly to participate in the #MerryWIPmas challenge in which Daisy and Bud will go on a holiday road trip. Follow along starting December 14th at @joannamonahan27 

December’s #TBR pile includes:

INTUITIVE EDITING by Tiffany Yates Martin