Joanna Monahan

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Progress Report #11: I Believe in You, 2022

Well, hello 2022. Nice to meet you.

To be honest, your last two predecessors were not my favorites, so I’m expecting big things from you. 

No pressure. 

Now entering my family’s third week of Covid-related isolation, I’ve had plenty of time to think about habits and priorities and how I want to approach work this year. In a lot of ways, 2021 was like a rough draft - just throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. I learned some great things (how to use Canva, how to maintain a simple website, how to embed a Spotify playlist) and I’ve met some wonderful people (shout out IG #writingcommunity, #bookstagram, #indieauthors). 

But after a year, my expectations are a bit higher. I’ve got some basics nailed; it’s time to take things to the next level. 

I recently took a webinar about planning (thanks to the Women's Fiction Writers Association and their amazing educational programs), and a major point that stuck with me was that believing something is possible creates more efficient work habits. It also makes the stakes more personal. I can hope that an agent signs me, but I can believe that I am putting my best work out there. So the steps I take in preparing are all in service of that belief. 

Again, I am sure this is a notion that is only news to me. But there you have it. It IS news to me. 

So… without further ado, my 2022 beliefs:

  1. I believe I am prepared to be a successful author.

  2. I believe my writing is entertaining and valuable.

  3. I believe that everything I do is worth it.

  4. I believe in working for my dreams.

When I find myself getting frustrated with or buried under the day-to-day details, I can look at these beliefs to see the bigger picture. 

December Wrap-up/Successes:

Honestly, making it through this month was my major success. On December 14th my daughter tested positive for Covid, which immediately changed all our plans for the holidays. Three days ago, and unsurprisingly, I also tested positive. This month has given me March 2020 vibes - the sudden shift in daily life, the immediate need for adaptation and change. But it also gave our family a respite from the go-go-go that can overtake this time of year, and distilled our holiday down to the basics. I choose to be grateful for that. 

Writing: I participated in the #merryWIPmas challenge on Instagram, sending my WELCOME TO BLOOMS characters on a magical Christmas road trip. 

Querying: I submitted SOMETHING BETTER to Berkley Publishing’s Open Submission program (at certain times of the year, the publisher accepts non-agented submissions). 

Education: I took the aforementioned webinar and have been using my quarantine time to learn my new iPad (thank you Santa!) and plan out my priorities for draft #2.

Books read in December: 6

STILLWATERS and CAYMAN ISLAND by Jennifer Brasington-Crowley
TORN VEIL by Shari T. Mitchell
THE DEAD AND THE DARK by Courtney Gould

Total Books read in 2021: 75/60 

January plans: 

Writing: Staring round 2 of revisions on WELCOME TO BLOOMS (For those of you keeping count, yes, this is the third month I’ve had that goal.)

I’ll also be participating in a week-long “Grabbing the Reader” workshop focused on making the best first impressions with the first 500 words of W2B. 

Accountability: Meeting with my Critique Group and participating in a “Meet the Writers” challenge on IG (the last few challenges I’ve done have been writing based. This one encourages authors to show up for themselves.

Marketing: More consistent presence on social media - 2x/ weekly IG and 2x/ weekly Twitter. Twitter will be a bigger focus in 2022 as I learn how to use it. 

Querying: Research and prep for a final round of queries for SOMETHING BETTER in February. 

Reading Challenge 2022: 52 weeks/52 books

First book of 2022 is finishing INTUITIVE EDITING by Tiffany Yates Martin. 

Other January TBRs: 
HEARTBURN by Nora Ephron
THE WOMAN WHO FELL TO EARTH by Jennifer Brasington-Crowley

What are you choosing to believe in 2022? Drop me a line - I’d love to hear from you!

Happy New Year, Y’all! Xoxo