Joanna Monahan

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Progress Report #14: The Didn't List

It’s summer! Time for big plans and big fun. But first, a look back at the first half of 2022 (peers carefully out from behind hands):

First. It’s easy to get bogged down in what I didn’t do, such as:

  • I didn’t work on my revisions

  • I didn’t write every day (or any day)

  • I didn’t update my blog

  • I didn’t focus on growing my platform or upping my author game

  • I didn’t further my writing skills through carefully planned research

I didn’t do these things. I couldn’t. The news coming in from all over the world the last few months has been overwhelming and soul-crushing. I haven’t been in a headspace to create or suspend reality. So. I didn’t.

But… I did do other things. And that’s what I have to remember to celebrate. Like my Regression Report of last year, the choice to do or do not (there is no try), is a balance. So, to balance out the (in comparison, fairly small) list of things I didn’t do, here’s a sampling of what I did do this Spring:

  • Read

  • Binge-watched 90-Day Fiancé and Mystery Science Theater 3000

  • Went on an amazing week-long family vacation to New York City, including seeing the original cast of Hadestown perform on Broadway (and the iconic André De Shields)

  • Started tracking my sleep and daily steps

  • Drank more water

  • Made notes

  • Participated in two IG writing challenges (see my latest, including excerpts and a playlist for Welcome to Blooms here)

  • Mulled over feedback (more on this in a future post)

  • Started to get excited about writing again

  • Watched my daughter perform in two amazing (literary themed!) school musicals

  • Watched my son’s varsity baseball team finish as the #1 seed of regular season (Playoffs start today!)

  • Hosted visiting family and friends

  • Watched the news -wept, grieved, railed

  • Voted

  • Genuinely celebrated the good news of my writing friends’ achievements (it’s not a competition, it’s a community)

  • Inhaled…

  • …exhaled

I feel like I take a lot of breaks. Maybe I do (or maybe I just talk about them more). It seems to be how I’m wired. I’m learning to be okay with the fact that my career path has more rest stops than others. The goal is to be grateful for every lesson on the journey, no matter how slowly I learn it. And I’m grateful for those who come along for the ride, even just part of the way.

I am lucky enough to choose what I will or will not do along the way.

Happy start of summer! What are your plans? What will you do (or not do)? Drop me a line and let me know.

Xoxo y’all!