Joanna Monahan

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Putting the "Us" in "Focus"

To state the obvious: what a difference a year can make.

In January of 2022, instead of resolutions, I set beliefs. I outlined beliefs in myself, in my writing, and in continuing my learning and current path. And now 2023 is here. The year in which I become a published author.

Y’all. I mean… Wow.

I am not one to mess with success, so once again I am setting beliefs for 2023. They are:

1)      I believe in the success of my debut
2)      I believe that consistent behaviors and continued education will yield success
3)       I believe in asking for help when I need it

I already know that the hardest of these three will be the third. It is hard to admit when I need help. And, as I’ve come to learn over the last few months, publishing a book is about community. So as an additional push for the best 2023 possible, I’ve also chosen a word for the year: FOCUS. Not only is there a cute wordplay in this selection (see: title of this post), but it reminds me that asking for your help will assist me in focusing on what behaviors and education I need to make my debut the best success it can be.

So, here it is, the audience participation portion of my debut publishing journey. The part where you, my sweet support system come in. If you have read this far, I hope you will read a little further, because this is where I get brave. This is where I ask for your help.

Over the next few months, there will be increasing ways you can help me prepare for my book launch. Starting later this month, I’ll be revealing the cover for my book, and I will need your help to share it. In February my newsletter launches, and I will ask for subscribers. I will add my book on Goodreads and ask you to add it to your Want to Read lists. I will ask you to pre-order my book, read it, and write honest reviews. I need you all this year.

Phew. That was scary to write. And if you are still with me, I thank you. I’m so lucky. So many of you have reached out to wish me well or to ask how you can help. I appreciate you opening that door.

Here’s to you, 2023. Here’s to us.
Now: Focus.

December Wrap-up/Successes:

  • Assembled my core launch team to help with awareness-raising of SOMETHING BETTER (I’ll be putting out another call for support in a couple of months, don’t worry!)

  • Began working with a marketing coach. This was the first step for me in asking for the help I needed. If you have ever thought about working with a coach (of any kind, not just marketing), I can’t recommend it enough. The fabulous Jenn Hanson-dePaula of Mixtus Media has helped me clear away the clutter of all the things I *could* do, and FOCUS (see?) on the things I *should* do. She has cut the mental stress of the next six months by half in just a few short hours. (Note: This is not a sponsored ad, just my experience.)

  • Completed my Goodreads challenge to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Sidenote: My final read of 2023 was by my publishing sister, Tabitha Caplinger, whose new book THE WAYWARD comes out on February 7. I am lucky enough to be part of Tabitha’s launch team and was able to read an ARC. Let me tell you, folks, this is a great book. You can read my review here.

  • Survived the great Southwest flight cancellation of Christmas break 2022.

  • Participated in two holiday-themed writing challenges on IG: #12daysofTurvy and #MerryWIPmas2022. If you like Christmas movies, holiday magic, and crossover storylines, you won’t want to miss these. Follow me on Instagram here.

January Plans:

  • Prepare for my newsletter to go live. Get ready to see the words “Subscribe to my newsletter.” P.S. There will be some fun SOMETHING BETTER goodies for all subscribers!

  • Cover reveal for SOMETHING BETTER. Yiiiiii -it’s almost here! I can’t wait to share this beauty with you.

  • Launch team…err.. launches.

  • Goodreads Challenge for 2023: 52 books in 52 weeks. Are you on Goodreads? Follow me here.

First book of 2023: GONE, THE REDEEMER by another Blue Ink Press author, the wonderful Scott M. Gates. This is also my book club’s pick for the month, and Scott will be our first-ever author guest! Yay!

Other January TBRs:
DISORIENTATION by Elaine Hsieh Chou

What are your beliefs for 2023? What is your word of the year? Drop me a line and let me know!
Xoxo, y’all!