First, a little story: I met Shail in 2021 when I was still just a newish baby author and I won her Women’s Fiction Day giveaway. I still use the items from her beach-themed giveaway (and I treasure my first edition of THE SUMMER BREEZE with its original cover) but the best gift was our continuing friendship. I admire Shail’s courage and talent—like the characters she creates, Shail believes in taking risks, learning new skills, and most importantly, herself.
She is, quite simply, #goals.
Meet Shail
Shail Rajan is a women's fiction author whose heartwarming stories are character driven and embrace the role of family, friendships, and food in our everyday lives. Readers have described her books as feel-good reads with characters you'd want as friends and food you'd like to eat.
She was born in India, raised in beautiful Upstate NY, and is now settled in Northern California with her husband and three children. When she's not lost in books, she loves spending time with her family, volunteering, cooking, tackling the occasional DIY project, and obsessing over her vegetable garden.
What made you decide to start writing?
I’ve been writing for my own personal enjoyment for decades. For me, the better question is what made me decide to publish. I had a fully finished and edited manuscript sitting in my drawer for almost 20 years. But then, in 2020, my family went through a very difficult loss. I knew I had to do something to bring some light and joy back into our lives. And so one day that December, I researched “how to self publish a book on Amazon.” I followed the step by step instructions, uploaded the manuscript and a homemade cover, and ordered a few copies for my family. I never - never - expected anyone else to read my book. But now here I am 4 years and 4 books later! And my debut has reached the Top 10 in Women’s Humorous Fiction and the Top 50 in Women’s Fiction.
That’s fantastic! And well-deserved! What was the hardest thing to learn?
For me, the most difficult thing to learn was to accept positive reviews about my writing. When my friends and family first told me they enjoyed my books, I interpreted their feedback as kindness. It wasn’t until reviews from complete strangers started coming in that I began to feel confidence in my storytelling abilities. To this day, whenever I get a review, I feel the urge to look over my shoulder to make sure that the review is actually for me!
What was the most surprising thing you learned?
I’m going to cheat on this one by sharing two things. The first thing that surprised me is how incredibly generous other authors are with their knowledge and time. I can’t tell you the number of times other writers have given me advice that has helped guide me down this path. And the second, is that people are willing to spend their hard earned money and their time to read books that I’ve written!
You’ve written three books in your Summer Breeze series and a romantic suspense novel, The Recipient. How does writing a series differ from writing a standalone?
I loved writing both! The biggest difference is the ability to go back and visit with the characters from the series again and again. They really have become like friends. And, just a little fun teaser, I’m working on a fantastic crossover event. I’ll leave it at that for now!
Are you a planner like Callie?
I am a planner and list lover just like Callie!
Where do you ‘retreat’ to when you need to rest and recharge?
Dare I say Seneca Springs and Sycamore Ridge? The towns I’ve written are exactly the places that give me so much comfort. Also, my kitchen is my happy place.
Who has been your favorite fictional guest at the Summer Breeze so far?
That’s like asking me to pick my favorite child! I can’t pick, but I really loved writing the characters for the Writers’ Retreat chapter in The Summer Breeze Flowers & Forgiveness. I laughed out loud so many times while writing them.
What advice would you give new writers looking to self-publish?
Educate yourself, do it, and be realistic. There are many free resources available to teach you the steps, but only you can hit that “publish” button. And be realistic - becoming a successful self-published author takes a lot of time and hard work.
What do you like best about self-publishing?
I love how much I’ve stepped outside of my comfort zone. I learn something new almost every week, and the best part is, I have the freedom to choose how I want my career to progress.
Food is a big part of your books – what is your favorite dish to cook?
Again, that’s like asking me to pick my favorite child! This week, I made a spectacular orzo!
How do you organize your time?
This is my biggest challenge. With three teenagers at home (one who is in the midst of college applications), a part time job, and parents to take care of, I mostly can’t organize my time. What I can do is wake up before everyone else and get an hour or two of writing in on the weekends.
What are you working on next?
I’m working on book 4 in The Summer Breeze series!
Hooray!!! Finally, where can readers find you?
You can find me on my website:
On social media -Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: @shailrajanauthor
** Check out my appearance on Shail’s “Three Minutes with the Author” series here.