Something Better: Corinne's Birthday (the original scene)

If you’ve known me awhile, you’ll know that I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I’m not anti-love or romance, far from it (how could any Gen Xer raised on Lloyd Dobler standing outside with a boombox not be a little sappy about romance?). I just think love should be about the little things we do for one another daily, not all lumped into a once-a-year-gesture. Plus, I refuse to go out on Valentine’s Day because I think it’s entirely possible an employee, bitter at being scheduled on what has got to be the worst night of the year for servers, will spit in my mushroom risotto.

Some of my Valentine’s Day cynicism spilled over to Corinne, and the following is my original attempt to bring Corinne’s complicated relationship with love and romance to light. Enjoy!

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