Progress Report #1 - Let's Julie/Julia this thing!

Welcome to my first progress report, where I’ll be checking in monthly to let you know what’s going on in my writerly world.

In my last post I talked about the absolute bewilderment I feel at taking on a new venture and industry. I'm 47 and starting over. I have no formal education in creative writing, so everything I'm learning is by either my own research or via the generosity of gracious writers ** who know their craft and are willing to share with a total noob.  I hope that by regularly sharing my research and progress I can help other aspiring writers find the resources they need to get started, as well as the motivation to keep going. I invite anyone who is interested to come along and learn with me what being a “Second Act” Author is like.

**[Author note: Reviewing this before posting, I realize that I need to give proper credit where its due. One of my biggest commitments toward becoming a published author was to work with a writing coach. I have been working regularly with mentor/coach Charlotte Rains Dixon for more than a year now, and I have learned so much from her. If you are thinking of writing your own book, and are struggling with how to make it happen, I encourage you to find a coach - might I suggest Charlotte? - to help you. It has made all the difference between wishing and doing. 

I also joined the Women’s Fiction Writers Association, and have found a community of wildly talented, creative women who inspire and educate me. What I have enjoyed most about the group is the enthusiasm the members show in celebrating each other’s achievements. Their congratulations are without agenda or jealousy. If you are interested in writing Women’s Fiction, WFWA is a wonderful community to join.]

January Wrap-up/Successes: 

  1. Website successfully launched - and by the way, THANK YOU for all the love you have shown for my site. I have enjoyed the notes and emails so much! 

  2. My first blog post written/posted

  3. Social account followers: IG  219/Twitter 300

  4. Books read: 7 (Goal is 60 for the year)

February Goals: 

  1. Begin work on my Work In Progress (WIP) #2 - Coincidentally, WFWA’s theme this month is “Work our WIP,” so I’ll be joining their Facebook accountability group, sharing my goals and checking in daily with my progress. This is a perfect example of how amazing this group is. Education, community and accountability, all in one place.

  2. Restart my agent query research - in late 2020, I sent out a total of 7 agent submissions for SOMETHING BETTER for which I have received 3 rejections and 3 “No Response Means No” timeouts and 1 response still pending. 

  3. Website improvements - including 3 blog posts (hey, 1 down!), adding SEO descriptions, figuring out how to add a SOMETHING BETTER playlist to my Books page and adding my social media feed to my home page. 

  4. Read 5 books - Currently on my TBR:
    HERE THE WHOLE TIME by Vitor Martins
    WAITING FOR THE NIGHT SONG by Julie Carrick Dalton
    THE MOTHERS by Brit Bennett
    DON’T OVERTHINK IT by Anne Bogel

Thanks again for checking in! As always, I love to talk to people, so send me a note here, let me know what you’re up to, and what you’d be interested in seeing here on the blog. Also, if anyone has any suggestions for a new show to binge, I just finished Bojack Horseman and Cobra Kai Season 3 and need something equally bada$$ to watch. 

Happy February! xoxo